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Bloomberg visit
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Posted 1/9/2020 08:20 (#7961661 - in reply to #7960421)
Subject: RE: Bloomberg visit

Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn.
As stated I didn't plan on flying my drone over the area. I was curious as whether a restricted zone was established.

I did drive my truck (the drone was in in its case on the living room table) to my seed dealers yard. There were several vehicles there, some from TV stations etc. I drove to the area of their large shed and noticed an individual standing outside as to be patrolling the yard. I didn't recognize the individual and was quite sure he wasn't a local.

I drove up to the individual who greeted me and asked if he could help me. I said I had heard the Candidate was present and asked if this was open to the public. He replied No it is not open to the public. I mentioned that this didn't surprise me. It was rather cold and I mentioned this and that his accent indicated that he might not be local He said he was from Minnesota but then quickly said No, I'm from New York. I replied that they get some cold weather also. I said I would be on my way and he wished me a good day.

I am quite certain that he was there for security.
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