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Who knows about DroneX pro?
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Aussy Harold
Posted 1/2/2020 15:21 (#7946712)
Subject: Who knows about DroneX pro?

North East Wimmera district of Victoria.


Yesterday visited daughter and s-i-law who juts bought a Mavic Mini for fun and stock surveillance  on their farm.

Half inclined to take the plunge [as posted on here before!] - but think i'll wait a week or so and see how they get along with theirs.

Mavic Mini cost ~ $600 Au. They had batteries charged, and were busy reading instructions, and had watched a couple of Utube videos.

I think their mobile phones may not be modern enough to run the App for the controller. But that was to be todays 'find out'!

So - back home - they live an hours drive away - got looking on Internet and E-bay.  Of course there are hundreds on ebay!

Then up popped this advert for DroneX = for about $110 Au.  Their 'blurb' reckonned the 'name' brands were a rip off!  On a photo I noticed 'Emotion' on the body of their drone.

What do NAT'ers know of DroneX   "the drone that almost wrecked the internet" ?

Then on Ebay [Aust.] is this below -

Emotion Drone Mavic Pro-Camera 720 Full HD - 360°+3x batteries-6 axes

The above for just over $100 Au.   The description include stuff like one button take off, one button take off and landing, GPS, altitude hold, trajectory flight, etc.  !!
Any thoughts ?     TIA
IF I bite the bullet and buy a drone -  would a Samsung 10.1 tablet be suitable as a controller screen. ???

Edited by Aussy Harold 1/2/2020 15:23
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