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any comments on the FAA's new wish?
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Posted 1/2/2020 13:34 (#7946538 - in reply to #7945951)
Subject: RE: any comments on the FAA's new wish?

nw NC
The FAA proposal for mandatory identification and tracking of hobbyist class UAV's ( drones ) is saddening. The vast majority of hobbyist drone operators are safe as they operate now. However there are a few ( always have been , always will be ) who do not obey the rules of safe operation or ignore certain intelligent restrictions put in place for good reason. Such behavior is seen in most any human activity (think driving to fast, using cell phone while driving, DWI, shooting firearms without concern for surroundings etc.) and those are ones who cause the government to expand its reach over the law abiding majority.

I own a Phantom 4 purchased Jan. 2018. I dutifully registered it and have affixed to it the FAA issued ID number plus a label with my name and address. I fly strictly within the boundaries of our 150 acre farm in a very rural area. Most airplanes I see are at 30,000 feet overhead. I may see small single or twin engine aircraft a few times per week and they are minimum 3,000 feet AGL. I pose no threat to anything flying in my area as I stay under 250 feet AGL. Heck, if I see a hawk or buzzard in the area, I do not fly or if flying, I land immediately !!! I can understand the FAA concern for drones operating in controlled airspace of airport areas or other sensitive security locations but the claim that there is need for ALL hobbyist drones in uncontrolled airspace to be required to be track-able is rather ridiculous and unnecessary.

This news release from DJI dated 12-01-2017 ( ) states that the Mavic Pro already has a remote identification system that is ready for use ( operators choice ). It was made available through updates to the DJI GO 4 app and DJI drone firmware. So if anyone has made internet connection to DJI website for update or possibly for registering a drone purchase since that date you most likely have the ID program. If the FAA feels that ALL hobbyist drones need to be remote ID trackable, then the DJI system should suffice.

Incidentally, I am certified FAA Private Pilot , so I am quite aware of airspace regulations.

Edited by WJKEIGER 1/2/2020 13:34
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