
| Anybody want to buy a used drone?
I'll ground mine and sell it before I let the government invade my privacy any more.
You'd be crazy not to believe it's just a step by the government to be able to see IF people are actually using their drone for recreational purposes or will use information gathered to prosecute if they feel you are not using it for recreation only. It will become that you have to prove your innocence... from information YOU provide them. It is not different than if they mandated dash cameras on all vehicles, then use that information to prosecute you for any traffic violations you do on any recording. If you fly over your own land looking at things, you will have to prove that you don't make any decisions based on what you see. What about if you accidentally wander over onto a neighbors property a little? They'll have you for trespassing then too.
As started above, anyone that wants to do harm will find a way around the rules anyway.
It's just another ELD, gun control law or other invasive power abusing overstep by the federal government.
I understand what they are trying to do but it won't work as desired, few government regulations do.
As usual it will only really affect the ones following the rules and they will pay, not the ones intent on doing wrong.
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