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any comments on the FAA's new wish?
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Posted 1/1/2020 14:11 (#7944511 - in reply to #7944298)
Subject: RE: any comments on the FAA's new wish?

WC Mn/Dakotas
Agreed ron. I did not start flying until 1990 in college, but that's what I heard too. There was many many times more aircraft and pilots. Then in SD there was 3 faa guys in the state, where today there is 60.

I watched that 51drone video and I would say a vast majority of that is going to become reality. It's going to take a few years like he says, but that is where its going. Every manned aircraft group/association is and has been at the table with the faa since drones became a buzz word.

The national ag aviation assoc started for these reasons in late 60s. At least since early 90s they have employed a professional lobbiest in DC.

I think most ag pilots are in favor of uav and plan to implement them in their businesses, but for sure are wanting some sort of avoidance measures set in place to prevent collision and death. We may not be a million large, but everyone is 100% business dependent and serve all of ag producers, so it's a major voice. I think just about every ag related uav entity could benefit from working with the NAAA. I've also said for years, any of the sensors or software intended for uav could be placed on real commericial aircraft TODAY and getting commercial level experience. Having a uav only attitude has been quite short sighted imho.
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