Chebanse, IL..... | I started fixed wing flying in 1973. TCAs were just being developed. Very few general aviation airplanes had transponders. Our first were mostly "Starlighter" that squealed constantly when powered up & often sent erroneous codes prompting controllers to suggest, "stop squawk....". But, they improved quality and expense. When I first started flying there were lots of people with mediocre incomes that could afford to fly and raise a family. You didn't need the transponder as long as you didn't fly with the ORD TCA. But then rules got tougher and made general aviation more expensive. Most of the people that attended the Oshkosh fly in back then were directly affiliated with aviation. In present times, they probably only know someone who once flew & wonders why they quit.
FAA & regs killed general aviation for the common person. I realize it still exists, but if you weren't lucky enough to be flying back then, you have no concept of how busy GA was. Even the 2500' grass strip uncontrolled fields would often have 3-4 planes in the pattern at once, with some waiting patiently to take off. Now, it's memories, if the airport is still there at all.
I don't know what these regs will do the drone industry, but I can predict that 4 years from now if any of the regs are implemented, they will cost a whole bunch of money. The industry will survive, but many drone pilots & owners will call it quits due to compliance fears & costs. And those wishing to commit crimes with drones will still do so. Criminals & crimes don't seem to make sure they meet all legal obligations before their dastardly deeds.
I only hope is that if you have any desire to see the drones remain as they are, please respond to the NPRM during this public input time. I'm not sure there is a direct link to enable easier citizen comments, but here's what exists for now. I think other links will be coming in the next couple days. The following is from the FAA website:
Once published, the FAA will solicit comments from the public to better inform its rulemaking process. The FAA posts these comments, without edit, including any personal information the commenter provides, to https://www.regulations.gov. The docket number is FAA-2019-1100.