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What drone - new flyer
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Posted 12/31/2019 07:58 (#7941604 - in reply to #7940026)
Subject: RE: What drone - new flyer

Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn.
Even though I still haven't flown mine - the ground is very snow covered at the moment, I found that by looking at various videos I have learned a fair amount. Once I got the Mavic Mini in my hands and watched some "first flight" videos, things made more sense. Even using the camera for pictures and video on a table was useful.

There are some Chinese imitators of the Mavic Mini that seem to have all or more features for less money. Some of them have not shipped yet so no reviews of them. One complaint of the Mavic Mini seems to be the lack of collision avoidance and no "follow me" feature. Follow me means that the system can lock on to an object such as a tractor or bike rider, and follow it around automatically. If I wanted to do that with the Mini I would need to control it myself

The lack of these features may or may not be important to me - Time will tell.

Edited by tedbear 12/31/2019 08:06
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