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What drone - new flyer
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Aussy Harold
Posted 12/30/2019 15:21 (#7940026 - in reply to #7935557)
Subject: RE: What drone - new flyer

North East Wimmera district of Victoria.

Thanks guys.

I've done some looking at youtubes. One had a long series of  'set up' steps mostly on the controller of a Mavic [ not sure which model now].

Couple of questions -

Would it be a good idea to get some local [and young] enthusiast to help set it up, or watch more constructional videos, and get moe understanding of the whole process. I'm reasonably computer literate, so the 'set up' video seemed to make sense.  And I presume that if I bite the bullet and actially buy a drone, having it in my hands will make things a lot clearer,

I presume that once set up it retains all the settings nutil you wish to change something!

In our farming area where I live, I can go out to the farm and be miles from anyone  - so no worries about that side of learning.

Might ask locally - but Mavic mini may be the way I'm leaning.

Edited by Aussy Harold 12/30/2019 15:23
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