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What drone - new flyer
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Posted 12/29/2019 07:52 (#7936734 - in reply to #7935618)
Subject: RE: What drone - new flyer

Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn.
After much confusion and ordering, trying to cancel, getting two, returning one etc. I have a Mavic Mini. I have watched many videos on it which make more sense now that I have it in front of me.

I have played with the video and still pictures with it sitting on a table in my office. I haven't had the courage to try flying it. We have Winter here where I live and I'm a bit concerned about losing it. I almost took it out on Christmas day but due to unusually warm temperatures the area I had in mind was quite muddy so I backed out.

The Mavic Mini is purposely built to weight 249 grams which puts it out of the regulations in most countries. As Paul says these regs vary and here in the U.S. they will likely tighten up. With the Mini here in the States I do not need to register it or myself at this time. I still need to follow the rules for avoiding airports and other special areas as well as other height restrictions etc.

I may take a trip to the Southern United States to avoid our Winter weather and hopefully find a nice area for my first flight. Most of the videos make it look very easy except I watched one last week where a first timer was out with an experienced flyer and had a tough time.

I'll report back if/when that happens.
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