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What drone - new flyer
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paul the original
Posted 12/28/2019 16:45 (#7935618 - in reply to #7935557)
Subject: RE: What drone - new flyer

southern MN
I don’t know the rules for flight in your county. Or, so, exactly what is available there.... the rules are changing here and seems drone sales might end if that all goes through in a year....

Here in the USA we have $100 drones, they have cheap camera and you need to fly them, not much range. I would consider these toys but a person can have a lot of fun with a toy, just don’t expect a lot.

You have $350-500 drones that are pretty good, like the Spark or the Mavic Mini. Somewhat limited range but fly easy, good enough camera.

Then the $1000-1500 stuff, like the Mavic Zoom, 2 Pro. These have real good cameras, and very good controls and long ranges. They work with other software that can do mapping and pretend spatial images if you want to get into a bit more crop scouting and such.

Then there is the fancy stuff, sky is the limit on price and features and special cameras.

So, you don’t have to buy a DJI drone. But they ‘own’ the market and have the most new features and so on. So you will end up looking at their products.

Currently the Mavic Mini sounds like a really good cheaper model, and the Mavic 2 Pro is a the king of the hill. The Mavic Zoom is somewhere in between, it costs less has a poorer camera but the camera does zoom.

The Mavic line is quite automatic if you want it to be tap a button to take off, another to land and so forth. They take care of flying, all you have to do is move the joystick the direction you want to go, up down spin left right. The drone does all the work of making that happen, it is simpler to fly than a video game. Nothing to it.

Some of those really cheap ones in the $100 category are not so simple to fly. To be that cheap they have much more limited brains......

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