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any comments on the FAA's new wish?
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Buster 50
Posted 12/28/2019 09:30 (#7934839 - in reply to #7934404)
Subject: RE: any comments on the FAA's new wish?

North West IA/western AZ
WJKEIGER - 12/28/2019 05:06

leeave96 - 12/27/2019 20:13

The article states existing drones would be banned from flying when the rule becomes law? Did I read that right?

That is what it stated .
Either drone operator will be required to install the proposed tracking devices or be banned from operating the drone .

A current drone owner may wonder, " How are they going to know if I'm flying my drone out here in the boondocks? "

It is my understanding that if you ever hook your DJI built drone to your computer and go to DJI site for installing updates , that your drone uploads to DJI all info about every flight your drone has made. Therefore, if you have registered your drone with FAA and have a number, FAA could access DJI records about when and where you fly. If a drone operator had not installed the tracking equipment I assume that FAA would come looking for you and your drone.

I have been legal and have my FAA number but it is no way linked with the drone I'm flying. In fact my drone was owned by someone else who has an FAA number.
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