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any comments on the FAA's new wish?
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Posted 12/28/2019 06:06 (#7934404 - in reply to #7933913)
Subject: RE: any comments on the FAA's new wish?

nw NC
leeave96 - 12/27/2019 20:13

The article states existing drones would be banned from flying when the rule becomes law? Did I read that right?

That is what it stated .
Either drone operator will be required to install the proposed tracking devices or be banned from operating the drone .

A current drone owner may wonder, " How are they going to know if I'm flying my drone out here in the boondocks? "

It is my understanding that if you ever hook your DJI built drone to your computer and go to DJI site for installing updates , that your drone uploads to DJI all info about every flight your drone has made. Therefore, if you have registered your drone with FAA and have a number, FAA could access DJI records about when and where you fly. If a drone operator had not installed the tracking equipment I assume that FAA would come looking for you and your drone.

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