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any comments on the FAA's new wish?
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paul the original
Posted 12/27/2019 22:22 (#7934158 - in reply to #7934070)
Subject: RE: any comments on the FAA's new wish?

southern MN
I think they should reclassify drones some. I can see a 55lb drone being a danger, but the new Mavic sized drones that weigh less than a duck are not much of a threat to aircraft. A drone under 2# is a pretty minor splotch, they bounce off as a bit of plastic debris from anything I’ve hit.

If they were such a terrible danger, I guess we would be hearing of dozens of planes falling from the sky from all the ducks every week?

There are nearly 50 million ducks in the wild in the USA, and almost 7 million drones by the end of next year. And 100s of millions of other birds sharing the sky’s with planes.

Most of the ‘sightings’ of drones by panicked plane occupants have been unverified or debunked.

A little common sense would go a long ways.

It has become an Area 51 spectacular, knee jerk ridiculous.

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