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any comments on the FAA's new wish?
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Posted 12/27/2019 21:27 (#7934070 - in reply to #7933838)
Subject: RE: any comments on the FAA's new wish?

WC Mn/Dakotas
The faa is kinda funny. From what ive seen over the years is If there is a big enough problem or concern, they address it. Before there were slot of pilots, then things became more expensive and a few looked to home builds. Those few were still ususlly very closely associated with licensed pilots and really didn't pose any real issues. There are limitations and exceptions. I have a supercub with almost no panel. Again limitations and exceptions. Millions of uav s with a vast majority having zero clue about current aviation anything. Flying anywhere and everywhere just doesn't go in noticed. They can be frustrating, there are part time gigs I won't mind doing to make some extra money or start a young spray pilot out. But by the time you get insurance and maintenance up to snuff, you either need deep pockets, you figure out a way to do it full time, or you just don't do it. UAV are a real threat to manned aircraft. UAVs are probably going to force changes to all aircraft, manned and unmanned both. Its going to force some manned planes out, its going to force many uav out. Life will go on, hopefully as safe as it is today.
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