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Checking cattle - what's possible?
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Posted 11/24/2019 19:52 (#7866681 - in reply to #7865492)
Subject: RE: Checking cattle - what's possible?

se montana
I use a mavic 2 zoom to check two of my three calving pastures. One is a mile away, one is half a mile away. Luckily, the first one is on a hill above me and it is all line of sight.

Yes, line of sight is pretty much a must, for a signal. Trees aren’t much of an interference, but hills will absolutely disconnect you.

I fly around the pasture maybe 50-80 ft agl, when I find a fresh calf or a cow in labor, I will then drop down to 15-20 ft away and zoom in to get tag number so I can follow up later if needed.

It’s handy for those mystery cows that just never quite look like they are getting sucked, but calf always seems strong. I can sneak up on them with the drone, and see what’s really going on when I leave the pasture.

Have no experience with infrared or heat sensing equipment, but I do fly drone at night and can’t see a darn thing. Tried to fly around my heifer calving pen in my yard, but still had to walk out there. Lol

Edited by jfqc 11/24/2019 20:11
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