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Checking cattle - what's possible?
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   Forums List -> Drone TalkMessage format
Posted 11/24/2019 09:36 (#7865492)
Subject: Checking cattle - what's possible?

Total newbie. Don't own a drone yet. Looking for advice for a cow-calf operation. What could I expect in checking cattle in summer pastures? Does everything need to be line of sight from me to the drone, or can a search grid be programmed? Or is just watching the screen going to be so intuitive it won't matter? How high is typical to fly when searching? Range? I assume trees present some problems. We calve on a quarter section in February - would it be possible to do night checks using FLIR - at least to locate lone animals before driving up to check them? Any suggestions as to what drone would work well? That's lots of questions - if you'd like to answer just one, or all, chime in. Thanks!
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