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At a loss What drone to buy
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Posted 11/6/2019 07:22 (#7830711 - in reply to #7795071)
Subject: RE: At a loss What drone to buy

se montana
I have mavic 2 zoom. Cameras ability to zoom way in is like having a range extender. It’s nice for getting ear tag numbers on cows without getting in real close and pissing them off.

Biggest complaint is short battery life. I constantly try to fly farther than the battery is capable of and have to go out and find it.

Have had two crashes from 500 feet plus in which drone just lost control or lost connection and down she went. They aren’t supposed to do that, but it seems stuff happens. DJI warrantied the first one. Second one is in the system now.

I would buy the same one again, but there are some bugs

Edited by jfqc 11/6/2019 07:23
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