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Ndvi question
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Posted 10/30/2019 17:29 (#7819253 - in reply to #7818496)
Subject: RE: Ndvi question

SE Iowa
Yes, kinda.

You can get a plant health map with a standard (no-NIR) by using VARI instead of NDVI. There’s a whole different conversation about sensors and getting NDVI that I’ll let someone else dive into.

You can use a free flight planning app (DroneDeploy, Groundstation Pro for iPad, Pix4Dcapture) to automatically fly the field and capture imagery. Then you need software to process the data. There are a couple options (DroneDeploy, Pix4D, and more) and you’ll need to figure out if a cloud platform or desktop solution. From there, you’ll get a map you can import into SMS.

One plug for DroneDeploy, the Live Map tool is pretty useful for agriculture:

(PS I work for DroneDeploy, don’t want this to be an endorsement. Many options for data capture and processing, go get some trials and find what works best for you)

Edited by dronedude 10/30/2019 17:37
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