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4wd planetary oil
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dave morgan
Posted 7/16/2009 16:59 (#777991 - in reply to #776832)
Subject: Re:checking planetaries

Somerville, Indiana
screw apprx 2 feet of 1/2? inch pipe in the fill or drain plug whichever suits your shoulders the most, remove the bolts, then set final drive on a bench. Knock out the roll pins and check the washers. They will wear at the point where the needles contact them. not had to change them as often since we began using 50W oil in the planetaries. The washers will if left go, shed enough metal to lock up the needles and cause the end of at least one of the pins to turn the paint blue. That adventure usually happens in cold weather. Main most thing to remember is washers are available from Versy, and they are next to free for the taking.
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