W. Kansas | I've typically responded on most stripper header questions like Jon has in the past, he give a very good run down on the pros/cons of the header. I've been from S. Arizona to Canada and from California to Deleware with stripper headers and my take is they have their place. Are they for everybody? Absolutley not. Are they for the farmer that wants to maximize his combine throughput, utilize the straw left for no-till/moisture conservation? Yes.
Now, if you are after ground speed only(one of the selling features in the PAST) you need not apply unless you are running an older convetional combine. The rotary machines were typically pacing past the conventionals and they do not see the increase in speed that a conventional machine will see i.e. 9500, 9600, 9610. Wear and tear on a machine will be less, fuel burned per acre will typically be less. On the stripper side the fingers as Jon pointed out are the main wearing item, the new stainless steel fingers have shown they wear better and have been standard since ~2000-2001. Will a bearing go out? Sure it's a machine, but I've yet to see even a rigid header or flex header have much less of an input/keep up price tag, sickles are not cheap any more nor are guards. In my country it's all about moisture conservation, newer planters and drills will most likely have no problems with the residue, if they do they need a coulter or the drill needs to be a single disk machine. Loss is spread more evenly and one can typically get a better kill on the volunteer, saving some guys 1-2 passes with chemical(that equals $$'s saved)!!
If you have questions, fire away I've backed these things for along time! | |