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JD 8650 vs.8640-8630
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Posted 6/11/2009 17:25 (#741525 - in reply to #740689)
Subject: Re: JD 8650 vs.8640-8630

Culdesac, Idaho
In April of 1980 I purchased an 8630 with 1800 hrs. that the motor had just been updated to 8640 spec. Before dealership delivered the tractor JD came and said for $2000 they would buy back engine in tractor and install 8650 engine. I ran that engine 8000 hrs. without a problem then had a reman installed and had zero problems with it. Tractor now has 13,000 hrs. and still going strong. Have had the 2 speed replaced 4000hrs. ago. Transmission has never been toughed. Weakest mpart of 8630 is the front end 8640 and newer they pressurized and circulated the oil thru filter and transmission. 8630 I replace the 6 gallons gear yearly and have not had a problem. I know one of these days is going to be a bad day with it but it owes me nothing. Have added a 8640 and 9300t but the old 8630 still gets the most hrs. a year probably because it is "my" tractor.
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