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JD 8650 vs.8640-8630
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Posted 6/11/2009 01:05 (#740689 - in reply to #740543)
Subject: RE: JD 8650 vs.8640-8630

NW Washington
I think the early 619 engines had a block cracking problem, especially in this 4x4 tractor where the engine block is used as the frame. I heard that the cracking was between cylinders. Back in the early 80's John Deere changed them out to the 50 series for I think, $5000 and when they did every thing was new, turbo, starter, injection pump ect. The Ag Mech lab at the U of Idaho had a couple of the reject engines that JD gave to use. Only condition was that they had to go back to JD when they were done with them.
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