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JD 8650 vs.8640-8630
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Fla Veggie Farmer
Posted 6/11/2009 01:01 (#740686 - in reply to #740679)
Subject: Re: JD 8650 vs.8640-8630

Southeast Florida
Oh I've seen them torn all to pieces. The 2-speed would go out regular from shifting loaded in turns pulling scrapers. Engines didn't last long either. Kinze Cummins swap would solve this problem but it was a $25K upgrade. The weak frame rails caused a lot of torque from the front axle to be transferred to the engine block. The last Kinze Cummins swap I seen was really neat. They closed up the clutch and put a flex coupling between the engine and transmission like the newer tractor removing all the engine stress from the front axle.
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