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siriusXM radio
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Expensive Hobby
Posted 1/24/2019 13:46 (#7269293 - in reply to #7266601)
Subject: RE: siriusXM radio

NW Missouri
I use an XM MiFi. I think it was the first portable radio they came out with. I take it between my daily driver, the tractors, the combine, and the shop. It has an FM modulator, so all you need is power and an antenna. It has a cigarette lighter plug and a magnetic antenna, so it's really easy to move from place to place. In the places I use it a lot, like the car I drive every day, or the combine during harvest, I have a power cord and an antenna cord wired in more permanently so I don't have to have the loose wires dangling around.

I've replaced the physical radio 2 or 3 times over 15 years. I got a lifetime subscription back when those were still offered, so I don't have any monthly costs, but I do have to pay $75 or something each time the physical radio goes bad and I have to move my subscription over to a new radio. The last time (about a year ago), I had decided to upgrade radios to something newer. But after looking online, they were all going to be more money, and I have lots of extra mounts, cords, etc that wouldn't work on a new one, so I just bought another MiFi for 10 or 15 bucks on ebay.
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