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Posted 5/23/2009 13:08 (#720998)

Yorktown, TX
I'm looking at buying a 2955 with cab and MFWD. The tractor that I'm looking at now is a 90 yr model, and has 10,000 hrs on it. The motor and transmission have had basically nothing done to them. The motor has had the valves adjusted once. It does have a new injector pump on it, and the transmission has only had seals changed at one point or another. When you start it there is no blue smoke, and there is just a little puff of black smoke when you rev it up fast to 2200 rpm. It runs extremely smooth, but I think that the clutch is going out on it because when you put it in a high gear from a stop, it sqeals just a little before it grabs and holds. The dealer is going to put it in the shop to replace it.

Are there any other big things to look at on these tractors? This tractor is in very good shape on the outside and sounds extremely smooth, but the hrs. worry me. They want 20K for it, but that price is reasonably negociable. What do ya'll think? Thanks in advance for the answers.

Edited by JKneese 5/23/2009 13:09
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