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Why do outside pay credit card fuel sales stop @ $75
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Posted 5/20/2009 18:00 (#719293 - in reply to #719168)
Subject: Re: Why do outside pay credit card fuel sales stop @ $75

This is the credit card companies fees. When you buy gas at a station and you use a credit card the credit card company charges the station a transaction fee everytime you use it. HENCE when you have to re-insert the card after the $75 limit they can charge the store another transaction fee. It does not sound like a lot of money but it does add up. The $75 limit has been in place for years, it has only been in the last few years when fuel prices have went sky high is when you end up having to use the card more than once to fill up your vehicle. The credit card company also charges the store a percentage of the transaction, usually 2-3%, it does not sound like much but when you think that Exon and all the other great ones are making $40 billion a quarter, you do the math. The credit cards take it on both ends. They charge the customer a terrible interest rate, fees, charges ect and then they charge the merchant to have the ability to offer credit card services to the customer. ANY wonder why congress is cracking down.
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