southern MN | Most companies require new passwords several times a year now, as employees access different parts of their network. You need to actively reset yourself.
It’s good for security to have old passwords/ cookies expire and be reset.
So, if you are concerned about security, in addition to flushing out your browser history and cookies every so often, you would also want to reset your passwords yourself even few months?
On a forum like this, I put a fairly low security threat to myself if anyone figures out my password and such here. So I wouldn’t be too concerned about writing this one down. Just for my opinion.
On their side of things, they get a lot of hackers and spammers trying to break in on any high traffic web site, so it is probably pretty important for them to keep up on all the security measures they can, including flushing out the cookies every now and then to break up any long term hacking/ phishing type of activities.
Really, the ‘remembering’ of passwords has become silly. No one can keep up with all the passwords needed these days. And the places needing real security have gone to very long passphrases now, so there are whole sentences to remember.
Person needs a book at home in a safe place with it all written down.
We really have a frail setup on the internet. Passwords get associated with an email address; typically you forget your password and so you get a new password sent to that email, so the only real security you have is a public email address and a password for that email.
So, what if you forget your password for that email address? Or that email service pulls the plug and closes up?
You no longer exist on the Web....... all your data and info gets shut off from you.
Paul | |