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Am General M915A1 trucks
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Posted 11/24/2018 21:57 (#7125567 - in reply to #7125094)
Subject: RE: Am General M915A1 trucks

The 915A1 trucks that I have seen have a standard 5th wheel plate hitch.

Many, or all, of the 6 wheel drive trucks (not the 915A1 trucks!) have a 5th wheel hitch that is higher because it can tip side to side as well as front to back. I think you could put wedges in it to not rock side to side. Some of those may have a larger trailer pin size as well. Some folks buy the 6 wheel drives and then put a regular hitch on them.

A 915A1 with 22.5 rims will have a hitch height very similar to any other over the road truck. These trucks were made to mainly be used on roads, and the 6 wheel drive trucks to do the off road work.

The 6 wheel drive trucks weigh more, sit higher, have smaller engines, and have a lower top speed, usually. You can find them with tall single tires or regular sized duals.

Tires: Those tall singles that some folks put on to look cool or gain some traction or clearance would not be my choice to use down the highway pulling a trailer. I think mine are all running a 11.00Rx22.5 tire.

I have had my trucks get a DOT inspection sticker, but have never been actually pulled over. There are many folks using these trucks in many lines of work.

Steel Soldiers dot com is a great site to learn more about these trucks. Here is a link to the 5 ton section of the forum.
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