East Central Saskatchewan | Well I got some pictures of it today. Exterior looks ok yet just kind of frosty. If I had a shop to work in, I would like to order a cab kit and fix the interior, plus replace the seat. All those hours have really worn down on the interior and it is starting to fall apart. Everything is original though other then the hood, as I used to have the original Case loader on it until a loader arm snapped, and it crushed the hood so I had to fix it. If I could I would like to fix it up real nice because it is kind of a sentimental piece, although doing that would involve redoing the decals, and probably would also if going that far split and and check the trans, and redo all the seals, and rebuild the motor (which has not been apart yet), but I will wait until I have to fix something major, then probably do it all right. It works well though and runs good so I will keep it like this for now. It actually sees more hours per year then my newer FWA and the 1070 combined. It does all the baling and cutting during the summer, but if I need a tractor in the winter I will grab the FWA because it is so much nicer to use in the snow.
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