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Case 4994 and 94 series
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GM Guy
Posted 11/22/2018 00:39 (#7120588 - in reply to #7120562)
Subject: RE: Case, Gleaner and control pics

Even cooler! I was not expecting the Gleaners! Thanks for the pics!

If you are really bored, maybe round up the serial numbers, we picked up a 85 N7 that came from the Palouse, it has the Deutz decals and the 24.5 duals like the far right one in your pic. It would be fun if it was anywhere close to any of yours. We keep track of serial numbers, and so far we have a pair of consecutive L2s, a pair of consecutive L3s, and 2 R7s that are exactly 10 numbers apart. In Idaho dad has a pair of consecutive Fs, and 2 G diesel hydros that are one number apart (one ends in 5, other ends in 7)

Here is one of the two R7s, this old gal is just short of 7500 hours.

(IMG_20181028_181112_802 (full).jpg)

Attachments IMG_20181028_181112_802 (full).jpg (104KB - 114 downloads)
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