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Case 4994 and 94 series
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GM Guy
Posted 11/21/2018 14:58 (#7119721 - in reply to #7119484)
Subject: RE: Case 4994 and 94 series

Huh? - 11/21/2018 11:11

As much as I can appreciate your love for the brand And that they have treated you well, I can’t share in that affinity. After experiencing a 2470 and 2 2670’s and the issues I had with them and since then having a couple of bulletproof replacements, won’t name the brands cause it’s neither here nor there, plus design was different, articulates which in un of itself makes comparison unjust. I liked the concept but as other companies at that time, quality of construction and execution were lacking. Sales were such that getting anything off the line painted and to the dealer required less than stellar design and quality control, much to the detriment and future of many equipment manufacturers. That said I can only name one tractor that has abilities today that the cases featured then, claas xerion. I must say that the design seems quite suited to the Palouse area, not sure if you are in that area.
Congratulations on a lifetime dedicated to ag, far more praise worthy than the equipment.

Thats like saying no one could have good luck with a 4-270 because your early 4-150 was crap... Tractor may have the same design and layout, but I highly doubt much is common between the two.
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