North Liberty and South Bend, Indiana | Several problems within that article. They state 5 tractors within the 4wd lineup. There were only 4. They also state one being smaller than the 4494, also incorrect.
To my understanding its not the engine or transmission that were the issue with the 4994. It was the fact it was a 400 horse tractor. Even Steiger wasn't selling large 4wd tractors across the states in the 80's. Throw in the bad economy and a low demand high dollar tractor just wont sell.
I believe the transmission will handle the torque that big Scania puts out but its iffy if the rest of the driveline will. The 4994 is a whole 100 horse more than the 4894. In 1985 that 100 horse difference was probably almost as much as the average sized tractor in the midwest. |