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Waste oil furnace anyone?
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Posted 10/8/2018 14:53 (#7034114 - in reply to #7032176)
Subject: RE: Waste oil furnace anyone?

Eastern Nebraska
I grew up with waste oil furnaces as my folks had a service station with a unlimited supply of oil. We also would pickup oil from the county and state repair shops as we sold them fuel and oil. Started out with the old Lanair's that is like the Eliminator you have pictured. Had three units one in the shop with the oil change pit and two in the tire, repair shop. They worked good but took some work to keep going then we moved in to the hanging style that took compressed air to run them. We would clean them every fall and we always filtered the oil twice once when pumped into the holding tank that the furnace was mounted on and then there was a final filter on the unit. They take a fair amount of compressed air but worked good. When I left home 40 plus years ago and built my first shop I built one used a converted burner out of a fuel oil furnace it worked great if you keep the oil managed. I had a tank on a trailer and could get oil from were I mechanic at night. Then about 10 years ago when we got a new insurance carrier for the farm and they inspected my shop and found the non UL listed furnace so it get pulled. I had been heating my floor in my shop and my house with a wood boiler any way so the waste oil was a back up. I lost my source of oil as that company went out. I don't make enough used oil to have a furnace. I just take the 150 to 200 gallons a year I make, to another waste oil burner.
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