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LED lights that fit into original style base on tractor/ combine
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Earl butz
Posted 10/8/2018 08:19 (#7033404 - in reply to #7033217)
Subject: RE: LED lights that fit into original style base on tractor/ combine

Central iowa
+1 4wd. I have bought a bunch of kits from kenny larsen. I have found uses for the 18 watt lights however, such as my stubble lights on my 925ff. Someone had replaced the 1156 housings with par 36 and high draw halogens. I felt that was too much for factory wiring and put in the 18 watt led that pull similar to the factory little 1156, tons more light. I also put a set of kennys par 36 new rubber housings with 18 watt on the back of my 7000ff planter due to the long stretch of wire. I have been having trouble with alternators on my 9510 combine. I replaced all the lights except the tank and sieve lights, hopefully the less draw will cure that. One thing to be careful of is the k rating. Unlike your shop where you want the highest k rating available. For equipment operating in dusty conditions I've found 5000k to 5500k to be the sweet spot. Anything lower you get yellow light anything higher won't cut through the dust. Alot of the cheaper Internet lights are 6500k. I first put a bunch of 6500k led27s from larsen on my stieger. Thought they were great till I got to the dusty field. Kenny gave me a deal on some 4500k replacements. They are a little more yellow Than I like but I'm confident they will cut through the dust if it ever dries out enough to try them. I will put the 6500ks on a little utility that doesn't see dusty conditions.
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