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Corn pile any suggestions
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Posted 8/16/2018 22:37 (#6933653 - in reply to #6933223)
Subject: RE: Corn pile any suggestions

Cambridge, southwestern Nebraska
Local coop piles millions of bushels on the ground every year. They put an aeration tube on the ground in the middle of the pile and run it constantly to hold the tarps down. 16% corn or dryer right out of the field. Piles are picked up by early March.
Local ethanol plant piles corn uncovered and just cleaned it up a month or so ago. It did not end up in very good shape.
A farmer piled 3 hundred thousand on the ground a couple of years ago. Didn't get it picked up until late April. Probably lost 10,000 bushel.
It can be done. I'd cover it if I were you in your higher rainfall area. Otherwise pick it up by early spring....March 1.
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