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Corn pile any suggestions
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Posted 8/16/2018 22:21 (#6933630 - in reply to #6933223)
Subject: RE: Corn pile any suggestions

Northwest Illinois
The first pile I ever made was 220000 bushel. I used an 80' swing away with a spout on end. The diameter of the first pile was around 60' and was roughly 60000 bushel before it would cover the truck on the auger. The pile was 200' from end to end. We covered it with silage tarps as they were the cheapest. I never used any thing in sides and used loader buckets of corn to keep tarp down then ran tires on tarp seems. I only kept until river close which was second week in December. Spoilage was minimal, but had some at seams and bottom. Hardly got docked as it was easily blended in. We received quite a bit of rain and snow, so covering was a must here.
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