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9770 combine vs case combine of the same color lets start a color war
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Posted 8/1/2018 18:56 (#6906023 - in reply to #6904714)
Subject: RE: 9770 combine vs case combine of the same color lets start a color war

eastern shore maryland
GM Guy - 8/1/2018 00:26

Claas740 - 7/31/2018 21:02

I would look at a Claas. Doesn’t cost anything to look around. Claas not Case

Of course a Gleaner is my first choice, but I would choose a Claas over a CIH or JD. As far as I am concerned, CNH and JD are the Navistar and Freightliner of farm equipment. Both are the top two in sales of their industries, but there are better choices out there.

under this logic one would assume that a Gleaner or a Claas would have resale value like a W900 KW or 379 Pete how ever that is not the case where I am at anyways
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