NW KS/ SC ID | peterbilt379 - 7/31/2018 20:35
We currently run a couple 8820 john deeres. We are thinking we want to upgrade to either a 9770 or a case of the same size. We know nothing about case so what is a comparable size machine to the 9770? Next what are the pros and cons of each machine? And last which one do you think will last the longest with maintance? Thanks
Considering you have 8820s, its obvious you keep a machine a long time. In the first 1000 hours no one color is going to come out head and shoulders above, but when you start getting more and more hours on, the design of the machine becomes a bigger and bigger factor to the cost per acre.
Take a look at a Gleaner and note how few gearboxes and hydraulic motors it has. That is big money right there if/when one goes down on you. Engine gearcase? Nope. transition cone? Nada. Overall they cost less to rebuild and maintain than other colors, all the while doing it on less fuel. I talked to a guy who switched from a 9770 to a S77 Gleaner and he says the acres/hr figure was the same, but the GPA of fuel consumption went from 18-20 with the Deere to 12-14 with the Gleaner.
Watch this video describing maintenance and upkeep. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZMs_y6d4YU |