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Deere 6620 Titan II Corn Head 443 or 643? HI Tin or low Tin
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Posted 6/27/2018 18:16 (#6837745 - in reply to #6837737)
Subject: RE: Deere 6620 Titan II Corn Head 443 or 643? HI Tin or low Tin

fairviewfarmer - 6/27/2018 18:12

643 low tin. Your 6620 Titan II will handle it fine. Go with the low tin head so you don't have to cut out a chunk of the head for the reverser to fit.

+1....also don’t rule out a 693. They have gotten much cheaper in the last few years. If you ever want to run more aggressive snapping rolls like calmer bt choppers, look for one made around 98 or later. Plus, poly would be nice if you have to battle downed corn.

Edited by WTF2014 6/27/2018 18:25
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