Coles County, Illinois | I have a 1981 6620 and I run a 643. My Dad bought it new and I bought it off of him in 1998. I almost bought a 493 head for it that had only been used on 100 acres before the owner died. The local JD service manager talked me out of it. The following summer I put a new style concave and rasp bars in it. I found the bell crank of the throttle linkage was incorrectly installed. This was not allowing the 6620 to get full throttle and full fuel flow. I set the no load thresher speed to 2420 rpm.
The machine is a whole new animal now. Last year with a new chaffer installed I was running 3.2-3.4 mph in 230+ corn.
You will have to split 1/2 mile rows but unless your corm makes less that 180 bu/acre a four row won't make it back either. I do have extensions so my tank holds 210 bushels.
I do wish it had more capacity in Soybeans even with the filler plates out 3 mph with a 15' head gets monotonous.
Edited by Herbie56 6/27/2018 14:22
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