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Deere 6620 Titan II Corn Head 443 or 643? HI Tin or low Tin
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Posted 6/27/2018 11:34 (#6837185 - in reply to #6837122)
Subject: RE: Deere 6620 Titan II Corn Head 443 or 643? HI Tin or low Tin

South cental Ohio
mostly what the others said about tire size and fields and desired speed. We've had 2 6620's at the same time.... one with a 6 row and one with a 4 row. I liked the 4 row better because I could go farther between dumps ( make it to the end of a field without a cart) and the fact that in good corn the 6 row head was plenty on a 6620. In good corn you have to watch the rear end so the corn doesn't go out the back.
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