Alton, Ia | 1800swath - 6/27/2018 10:10
Tire size and width of machine? Row length and yield? Do you work alone? Do you like driving 1.3 mph in good corn? I assume the 4 row covers your tread and you don't want to dump four times in a half mile round. Go with a 4 row. Match your planter or multiples of corn head to planter width.
175 bu tank IIRC on a 6620, at least ours did.
4 x 150 bu before dumping let's say = 600 bu.
643 = 6 x 2.5' x 5200'/43560 = 1.8 acres.
600 bu/1.8 = 333 bpa.
Wowza, no wonder corn is down to $3. 193 bpa was our tipping point, below that I could get thru a 1/2 mile pass, above that we had to dump part way. As annoying as that was, it was a good problem to have.
OP: I wouldn't even attempt a 4 RN head on a 6620 machine, years ago we had a 4 x 36" head on ours and it was tight sometimes with that. Really had to watch terrace sides and contours. Go 6.
Edited by Oliver1 6/27/2018 11:36