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Spraying around edge of field
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Posted 6/9/2018 14:28 (#6802691 - in reply to #6799943)
Subject: RE: Spraying around edge of field

Monroe City, Indiana
Thank you everyone for replying. First, allow me to apologize for not being as clear as I should have. I am looking to double the rate on the outside nozzle to keep the first ~30" of weed pressure low. I spray on 30" centers and do not use the nozzle overlap method. I have a fence row nozzle on the outside of the center boom with a solenoid valve. I could spray with the boom folded in, which is fine with Fall or Spring burn down, but not as desirable with post applications as I have to reconfigure GPS and Raven controllers. I thought of increasing the rate via the flow meter, but I feel I am wasting herbicide(s) with the rest of the boom.

I have a solenoid valve on each end of the left and right boom sections to go from a 65' boom on Fall/Spring burn down to 60' with post applications so I am on the planter marker as a backup to GPS.

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