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Spraying around edge of field
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Posted 6/5/2018 15:03 (#6796365 - in reply to #6794854)
Subject: RE: Spraying around edge of field

NC Kansas
I'll do clean up with my ranger and 15ft booms. I also have it so I can cut my boom down to 10ft if I'm just crowding a fence. I used it last spring with a little engenia to clean up the corners of our xtend bean fields. Plus if you see a skip you can run out in the field and take care of it. I'm fixing to do this ahead of the sprayer on one filed. Don't know what happened if we didn't properly charge the booms or what but I have about 1/4 of an acre where the pre-herbicide either didn't work or wasn't coming out of the boom properly. Beans are only 2-3" tall and pigweeds are about to pass them. rest of the field is spotless, as it had metribuzin 2-4d and R-up in early april and Authority 1st right ahead of the drill. this one spot is a mess and i'm gonna hit it hard with my ranger sprayer as soon as I can get there.

We saved spraying whole fields with dicamba where there were just troubled spots I could easily hit with my little rig.

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