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Farmall regular ?
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Robert W Greif
Posted 5/14/2018 02:06 (#6759336 - in reply to #6759221)
Subject: Farmall Regular or F-20 ?

Dallas Center IA 515-720-2463
Simplest way to tell - The Regular has three forward speeds, the F-20 has four.

Other things:
Steering gearing at top of the post - Open gears, Regular. But some late Regulars have enclosed gear.
Enclosed gears, F-20. Most F-20 models are a worm gear, but early ones were a enclosed bevel gearbox.

Fuel tank. The Regular has a separate round gas tank mounted behind the fuel tank.
F-20 had the gas tank build into the fuel tank.

Differential housing. The F-20 has a raised deal cast into the top side. Smooth on a Regular.

There are many other things. But many Regulars have some F-20 parts.
Also both models probably have aftermarket parts. Throttles for one.
As built the Regular exhaust was out the side. F-20 a thru the hood pipe, then a cast 90ยบ elbow.
A factory seat setup on either model is very hard to find.

I have little faith in Tractor Data. Too many mistakes, 90% right is far from good enough.
But looked pretty good for the Regular and -20. Good pictures of steering, and that rear end deal.

Did notice on the serial numbers. Just numbers on the Regular. The F-20 has the letters FA before the numbers.
On the F-20 the number is stamped into solid metal towards the rear, [forget were]
Also if it still has the toolbox above the clutch, there should be a serial number plate riveted on.
And the F-20 engine has the same serial number as the tractor. But engines get changed.

Picture: The picture is one I found on Tractor House. Shows the differential casting deals, I think foot rests. At the Yellow arrows.

Also this F-20 has a factory seat. Maybe not the actual seat, but the support.

And as another poster noted, this is a narrow tread model.
A Monroe Easy Rider was not factory on a Regular or F-20.

Edited by Robert W Greif 5/14/2018 15:13

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