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What are you doing May 17? Why not go to Dayton OH?
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Robert W Greif
Posted 5/9/2018 09:51 (#6751540 - in reply to #6750568)
Subject: Getting There - Lodging - Eating - etc

Dallas Center IA 515-720-2463
The museum is pretty easy to get to.
The upper image is the Dayton area . The museum is the left thumbtack mark.
I came from Indiana on I-70. Across the north side of Dayton. Then south on I-675

Second image is a closeup of the museum area. It is in the area of the older runways of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. A newer runway system to to the northeast.

Image three - Right thumbtack mark. Lodging, hotels, eating: Both times I have stayed at a nice place on the Colonel Glen Highway. Lots of choices for lodging and eating there.
My room was very nice and priced about $100 + , really not a lot of plus.
Wayne State U is across the road to the north.

As I said no admission charge, or charge for the electric scooters.
There is a least one on site place to eat.
If you really want to leave some money there, a book store can ding your plastic pretty good.

Just think how much better off we would be if the last picture was true 2009-2016.

Edited by Robert W Greif 5/9/2018 09:59

(Daytton (full).jpg)

(USAF Museum (full).jpg)

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Attachments Daytton (full).jpg (143KB - 32 downloads)
Attachments USAF Museum (full).jpg (140KB - 43 downloads)
Attachments Hotels (full).jpg (151KB - 36 downloads)
Attachments 204068-4 (full).jpg (114KB - 28 downloads)
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