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Need advice for planting soybeans with grain drill
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Posted 4/5/2018 21:02 (#6690128 - in reply to #6687393)
Subject: RE: Need advice for planting soybeans with grain drill

middle Georgia
Jdtank122, I am in middle Ga I have planted on 36,and 30 inch rows with a row planter. Went to planting beans with a Sunflower no-till drill tried 7.5 and 15 inch rows to get faster canopy closing and spreading the plants out in the row. I have always planted between 120,000 to 160,000 seed to the acer, regardless of my row pattern. My tractors have 18.4-38 tires, if the beans are small and healthy they will be fine being run over once. If I have to spray several times I run in the same tracks every time. A light bar is a great investment for spraying drilled beans. On my farm my biggest problem is farming some marginal ground and most of all is the lack of water at the right time. In my opinion the drilled beans do better when it is dry and feed better into the combine. I like to cut them at a angle.
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