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Need advice for planting soybeans with grain drill
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Posted 4/4/2018 19:54 (#6687594 - in reply to #6687488)
Subject: RE: Need advice for planting soybeans with grain drill

Western Iowa
I drilled beans for years on 7.5" and planted on 15" for several years after that.

Only issue would be if your soils are prone to crusting. When they are drilled on narrow spacing, the 'neighboring' bean isn't too close, and can't help it push thru a crust near as good as on 30" or wider rows.

If crusting isn't an issue, I would for sure not plug any rows on your drill. You will get a nice canopy. Spraying isn't an issue. I used to spray with a 4440 tractor and duals, and even spraying in mid July you could only see where I drove for a week, maybe 2 at the most. Just don't spray when the ground is muddy, as the plants you run over will be stuck down, then your tracks are permanent.
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