| Rented some state park land. Had to leave corn out for the wild life. Could restart March 15. Would do as you do, start early when ground was froze. and stop by mid morning. One year had a very early warm for a few days with a 30 mph sw wind. Took corn out at 11 percent. Was running a 6600 with a 6 row head. Concave wide open and cylinder speed about 250 rpm compared to the normal fall speed of around 500 to 600 rpm. Head running as slow as it would go. No trash leaves had all fallen off. Condtion was perfect. location North East Iowa. Rented this ground for about 20 years our combine was never really put away, from that, went into barley harvest in a about 3 months.
Edited by hyseed 3/29/2018 22:46
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