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Pretty disappointed in Case IH lately ...
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Posted 3/23/2018 19:22 (#6660992 - in reply to #6660970)
Subject: RE: Pretty disappointed in Case IH lately ...

this will not help(specifically), but IT IS NOT THE is that ALL corporations are now run/controlled by bean counters. My brother could keep you here 'till midnight telling what he knows about corporate screwups that leave one shaking the head about such stupidity. Talk to engineers & they are not given opportunity to work out all the details as they should.....costs to corporations are too high....not enough time to fix it. The world's best offset printing machine was made in Pittsburgh, Pa. The main machines needed refinement. The head electrician went to the higher ups & asked " how come we can always afford to send someone out on a warranty service call, but can't find enough time in factory to make sure it is right before it leaves the factory"? answer. That company no longer exists. The engineer of the original Ford 6000 power shift transmission , went to the Ford higher-ups & told them "it is not ready for market- I need time to refine it", but they would not relent, sent it to manufacturing & I guess you know the results. That engineer quit & went to work for John Deere. Now you know where John Deere's Power Shift came from.
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